We’ve Re-branded

After 25 years in business and 10 years providing cloud technology, we decided it was time to refresh our look, in conjunction with updating information on the services we’ve developed and perfected over time.
We’ve timed the re-brand to fall in line with our 25th Anniversary. We thought it would be the ideal time to update and streamline our company image, whilst celebrating how we’ve grown as a company through the many changes in technology that now drive how we engage with clients.

The new logo has been designed to place a clearer emphasis on our 3 core services – Network, Cloud and Support – whilst at the same time simplifying the trident logo. This makes it easily recognisable and reflects our confidence in the expertise we’ve gained after 25 years as IT professionals.

We’ve also refreshed our on-line presence to reflect these changes, so incorporating the new services we’ve added to our skill set over time and importantly, to detail the engagement process we’ve developed to best identify the correct technologies and services suited to individual clients.
Each brand tells a story and ours is inextricably linked with the evolution of IT systems and technology. This has subsequently influenced a progressive change in how we now engage with the whole company rather than purely the IT department. We want to ensure that any information regarding technology is not only accessible, but relevant to both company and end user.